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Budowa wyspy kuchennej oraz blatu (Lazurowa rzeka)
Autor Wiadomo

Wiek: 38
Doczy: 19 Gru 2015
Posty: 27
Skd: Wysokie Mazowieckie
Wysany: 2018-07-19, 11:37   Budowa wyspy kuchennej oraz blatu (Lazurowa rzeka)


W tym poradniku opisz o tym, co zajo mi kilka miesicy jak wasnorcznie zrobiem wysp kuchenn dopasowan pod obecne meble kuchenne.

Prac zaczem od zakupu balw dbowych w tartaku.
Szukaem desek o nierwnych brzegach dlatego eby uzyska jak najadniejszy efekt wybraem dwa bale dbowe z adnymi sojami, lekko krzywe i skrcone, takie jakie najbardziej pasuj mi ze wzgldu na nierwne brzegi.

Tak prezentoway si bale - zaczem od cheblowania bokw i skw .
Deski trzeba byo przepuci przez wyrwnark oraz przyci z jednej strony brzegi.

Deski po przyciciu z jednej strony brzega - tak mniej wicej bdzie wyglda blat ktry pokryje korpusy wyspy.

Przestrze midzy dwoma kawakami drewna zostanie wypeniona ywic epoksydow na wzr rzeki.
Odrysowany ksztat rzeki, ktry nastpnie trzeba byo wyfrezowa.

ywica epoksydowa wypeniajc przerw midzy deskami jest w kolorze turkusowym ktra zostaa
uzyskana przez dodanie transparentnego barwnika do ywic epoksydowych w kolorze turkusowym.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Exmind 2018-07-31, 23:02, w caoci zmieniany 2 razy  

Wysany: 2019-08-22, 16:00   Алекниб аналог Алесенса нам дост

Ostatnio zmieniony przez Exmind 2018-07-31, 23:02, w caoci zmieniany 2 razy  

Wysany: 2019-08-22, 16:00   Алекниб аналог Алесенса нам дост

Alecnib (Алектиниб) - Алекниб (Alectinib) - аналог Алесенса средство нового поколения. Относиться данный препарат к клинико-фармакологическому подклассу веществ, которые борются с опухолью, предотвращают и останавливают ее распространение в организме. Препарат имеет возможность блокировать фермент протеинкиназы, что способствует остановке распространению опухолевых тканей в организме.

Показание к применению
Препарат принимается для борьбы с ALK-позитивным немелкоклеточным раком легкого. На Alecnib (Алектиниб) - Алекниб (Alectinib) - аналог Алесенса цена указана на сайте, вы прямо сейчас можете заказать его с доставкой.

Способ применения
Очень важно знать и способ правильного, предусмотренного инструкцией и медицинским назначением применения препарата для более эффективного воздействия на организм пациента. Прежде всего, надо сказать, что лекарственное средство производиться и выпускается в капсулах, для внутреннего применения. Их ни в коем случае нельзя раскрывать и высыпать. Способ приема пероральный. Капсулу необходимо заглатывать целиком и запить большим количеством воды, противопоказано запивать препарат грейпфрутовым соком, так как может произойти нежелательная химическая реакция для организма. Дозировка зависит от типа терапии. Согласно инструкции производителя рекомендуется принимать по 600 мг препарата (это ровно 4 целых капсулы) дважды в сутки во время еды. Длительность курса длится до наступления положительного эффекта, или если возникают сильные и тяжелые побочные действия, то тогда курс прекращается.
Так же при необходимости врач может снижать дневную дозу препарата Если вас интересует на Alecnib (Алектиниб) - Алекниб (Alectinib) - аналог Алесенса стоимость[/b] и доставка – звоните, мы всегда рады помочь с оформлением заказа.

Как и любой препарат, есть группы лиц, которым он противопоказан следующим, к таким группам лиц относятся: • Лица, имеющие непереносимость к любым компонентам из состава лекарственного средства; • Лица до восемнадцати лет, вынашивающие ребенка и кормящие грудью; • Лица, у которых имеется тяжелая почечная недостаточность; • Лица, которым необходим гемодиализ.

Побочные эффекты
В целом про Alecnib (Алектиниб) - Алекниб (Alectinib) - аналог Алесенса отзывы встречаются положительные. Но иногда в процессе применения у организма могут возникнуть негативные реакции на препарат, а именно - возможно поражение инфекцией, наблюдение резкого спада аппетита, ухудшения зрительной функцией организма, головокружение и появление головных болей. Возможно, будет повышаться артериальное давление, и образовываться гематомы. Негативная химическая реакция может вызвать и воспаления слизистой рта, боли в брюшной полости, расстройство желудка, вследствие чего будет ненормальный стул. Болевые ощущения в мышцах и суставах, а также снижение веса, нарушения кожных покровов, отек нижних конечностей, одышка и кашель. Если вам нужно Alecnib (Алектиниб) - Алекниб (Alectinib) - аналог Алесенса купить дешево – ждем вашего звонка.

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Wysany: 2020-03-03, 13:29   samsung galaxy s20 hoesje

IPhone 11 Hoesje Ontwerpen
<p> Telefoonhoesjes en situations zijn natuurlijk overaI op het web te verkrijgen, dit hebben wij zelf ook in de gaten. Mobiel hoesjes zijn natuurlijk overal op het world wide web te vrkrijgen, dit hbben wij zelf ok in de gatn. Scoort het hosje op alle puntn boven de 9 - dan komt het mobiel hoesje in aanmerking voor ons assortiment. Wil je graag nog wat excess advies inwinnen over een iPhone 11 hoesje of wil je weten wat voor jou het beste iPhone 11 hoesje will be? Daar komt ook nog eens bij kijken dat veel iPhone hoesjes zorgen voor extra gebruiksgemak. De telefoons van Apple mackintosh zijn vaak niet alleen kostbaar, maar vooral ook kwetsbaar. Apple heft zijn Smart Battry Case voor d iPhone 11-telefoons uitgebracht. Zo hebben we een uitgebreid aanbod iPhone hoesjes voor bijna alle toestellen. Maar misschien wil je juiste een uniek en persoonlijk hoesje.</p>
<p> Zo zijn we uitstekend bereikbaar bij vragen maar ook bij eventuele klachten staan we voor je klaar met een oplossing. We doen er alles aan om de informatie over elk iPhone hoesje zo compleet mogelijk bij het hoesje te vermelden. De hippe prints op de stevige hoesjes passen perfect bij jouw eigentijdse stijl. Bookcases zijn vaak gemaakt van kunstleer of echt leder, en verkrijgbaar in effen kleuren en met leuke prints. Daarnaast zijn de ook enorm handig voor het kijken van series en bijvoorbeeld YouTube, omdat ze vaak een standaard bevatten zodat jij optimaal kunt genieten. Het Zweedse merk iDeal of Sweden staat voor moderne, stijlvolle en duurzame accessoires voor jouw telefoon. Apple staat bekend om schitterende, populaire telefoons en bewijst dit nogmaals met de iPhone 11 Pro Max! De kostbare telefoons van iPhone 11 Serie kunnen helaas gauw gebruikssporen vertonen. De fabrikant heeft zijn telefoons nooit voorzien van een cameraknop, een functie perish in de loop van de jaren wel op veel andere smartphones heeft gezeten. De versie van het hoesje voor de nieuwste generatie iPhones heeft een cameraknop, waarmee gebruikers sneller foto's zouden moeten kunnen maken.</p>
<p> De hoesjes zijn stuk voor stuk gemaakt van een zeer stevige, lichte en gespecialiseerd kunststof of siliconen. In de bsis is het hosje een stvige TPU back covr voor de 360 graden bescherming van je iPhone 11 PRO MAX maar op de achterkant van de LUXWALLET Wood hoes kun je genieten van mooi authentiek hout. Een flexibel, transparant iPhone 11 Hoesje van TPU materiaal. Het iPhone 11 hoesje heeft een lekker dun design. Deze is definitely erg eenvoudig te gebruiken. De covr is te gbruiken met elk typ screen protector. En andere optie is usually het aanschaffen van een doorzichtige backcover met daarnaast een doorzichtige monitor protector om bschadigingen op het schrm van je iPhon 6/6s te voorkomen. Het kan bijvoorbeeld voorkomen dat de cameras van jouw teIefoon het niet mer doet, omdat ht beschadigd will be. Gewoon omdat het kan.</p>
<p> Bij Mobile phone Factory vind je een uitgebreid assortiment aan telefoonhoesjes voor de populairste iPhone modellen zoals een iPhone x hoesje , iPhone 11 hoesje en de nog steeds populaire iPhone 8 hoesjes. Bouletta combineert een goede bescherming met een stijlvol uiterlijk. Ook zijn alle handige iPhone accessoires vertegenwoordigd in de shop. Filter daarna gemakkelijk door ons assortiment iPhone hoesjes doorway te kiezen voor bijvoorbeeld lederen hoesjes, Flipcase hoesjes, Wallet hoesjes en nog veel meer verschillende varieties. Start dus gelijk met het ontwerpen van jouw perfecte iPhone 11 hoesje! Mocht u toch nog vragen hebben over een phone hoesje dat u heeft gezien, dan kunt u natuurlijk altijd call met ons opnemen. Het modeI is extra Iicht en past prfect om jouw iPhon 11 Pro, zodat jouw toestel goed beschermd is en de knoppen eenvoudig te bedienen zijn. De luxe uitstraling van leder past excellent bij de iPhon X. Kies vor een boek model, flip model of insteekhoesje van kwaIitatief kunstleer of cht leder. Wil je een hoesje voor jouw iPhone 11 Professional Max online bestellen, dan ben je bij ons op de juiste plek.</p>
<p> Naast de verbeterde camera's beschikt de iPhone 11 ook over een nieuw ontwikkelde A13-Bionic chip waardoor het toestel nog sneller werkt dan je al gewend had been. Het siliconen hosje was ontworpen m drie belangrijke factorn aan te biden: esthetica, functionaliteit n duurzaamheid. De siliconen variant heeft een schokbestendige werking en de kunststof version is bestand tegen vuil en krassen. De siliconen hoes beschermt je toestel tegen krassen en stoten, terwijl het ook een premium look & feel biedt. Zo is definitely je telefoon bschermd tegen krassen n beschadigingen en tegeIijkertijd voorzien van en unieke glance. Je wilt geen krasjes of beschadigingen op je verse aankoop. Deze backcover is definitely zo ontworpen dat je iPhone 11 Professional Utmost tegen alle krasjes en ook tegen val- en stootschade beschermd blijft. En beter krasjs in het hosje, dan in j iPhone. Door de weerstand blijft de - onbeschermd toch erg gladde - iPhone lekker in de hand liggen. Welkom op onze iPhone 8 hoesjes pagina! Alle bovenstaande smartphone hoesjes zijn geschikt voor de iPhone 6/6S. Een goede beschermhoes beschermt de iPhone tegen vuil, stof, krassen en stoten.</p>
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Wysany: 2020-10-06, 09:07   How to eat "carbohydrates" not to get fat

Thought that many people would have thought that If you want to lose weight, you must refrain from eating flour. Or carbohydrates, but there is actually a way that we can eat carbohydrates that make it less fat.
From the information in the book "Miracle of anti-aging food" of Khun Salaya Kongsomboonvech stated that carbohydrates are not just rice and flour only. But including all kinds of rice products that provide energy Starchy vegetables (corn, taro, pumpkin potato, millet), fruit, fruit juice, flavored milk, sugar of all kinds. And all the desserts as well
Eating foods that provide the right energy to control weight. And to protect yourself from obesity, there must be techniques, สล็อตออนไลน์ especially eating carbohydrate foods as follows
Eat only carbs
Although eating too much carbohydrates can accumulate as excess energy for the body, if we abstain or do not eat carbohydrates at all. Will be even more harmful to the body Because the body needs carbohydrates as a basic energy. In the case of eating too much Carbohydrates are converted into fat that accumulates around the belly. Therefore, if you want to reduce accumulated fat Optimizing the proportion of eating carbohydrates in meals Would be better than abstaining from eating Or absolutely flour Which is way too extreme But should limit the amount of carbohydrates in each meal. And choose good carbs as follows

Wysany: 2020-10-07, 09:09   Is "hip pain" dangerous? How can it relieve sympto

Many of you may have experienced hip pain, which is often caused by activities that require extra use of the joints and the hip muscles. Thus resulting in hip pain following, but hip pain Can it still be caused by other reasons? And is hip pain dangerous? We can find answers together with this article from Hello Doctor.
Why is there hip pain?
Hip pain It is a health problem that can happen to everyone. Especially if there are activities or use around the hips or legs. May cause fatigue, stiffness or inflammation in the muscles, tendons and hip joints. This will make you feel hip pain. However, hip pain. It can also be caused by various health symptoms as well, including
Rheumatic diseases or various types of arthritis Especially in the elderly, the disease is often found easily. Rheumatic symptoms can result in inflammation of the joints and hip cartilage. Causing pain in the hips
Hip fracture As you age, your bones will begin to weaken. This makes it more prone to brittle or fractured bones, which if hip fractures or fractures occur. It will result in hip pain.
Inflammatory swelling of the joints In the joints of people there are small bursa, which lubricate and reduce the friction of the tissues around the joints. But whenever the bursa cyst is inflamed Will result in Hip pain
Tendonitis is a thick tissue band. Performs an important role in holding the bones and muscles together. But when the tendon becomes stiff or inflamed Will create pain in that area
Stiffness of the muscles and tendons Certain activities may involve the active or extreme movement of the muscles and tendons that support the hip, causing stiffness in the tendons and muscles. Which if the tendons and muscles are so tight that they cause inflammation It will cause pain in the hip.
Hip tear Loop-like tear of the cartilage Also known as labrum (labrum) at the area of the hip joint. Will cause pain in the hip Due to the overuse of the muscles in the hip joints causing tearing of the cartilage
Cancer, although not often found But cancer can also contribute to hip pain. It is most often caused by a tumor in the bone.
Avascular necrosis - slow blood flow to the hip bone can lead to death of the tissue around the hip joint. And affect other joints as well
Is hip pain dangerous?
If hip pain Caused by fatigue in work or activities Self-help hip pain relief at home Can help improve symptoms But if the cause of hip pain is due to a number of health conditions, such as arthritis, ligamentitis, hip tear, it is a serious risk. Which need to be diagnosed and treated with a medical professional
How to relieve hip pain at home
If there is hip pain Try to reduce the movement that will cause the bend. Or causing pressure on the hips Try to sleep on your side Or avoid sitting in place for a long time
Some pain relievers It can help to better relieve pain, respectively, such as ibuprofen (ibuprofen) acetaminophen. (Acetaminophen) hot compress or cold compress
Compressing the hip on the affected area with ice, cold water, or a warm bath or bath can help loosen the muscles. It can help relieve hip pain.
When should I see my doctor?
If self-pain relief does not improve Hip pain สล็อตออนไลน์ Your work or activity may not come from fatigue. But it may be due to other causes that require diagnosis and medical treatment. Or if the following symptoms occur Should immediately see a doctor.
Deformed joints
Inability to move one or both legs or hips
Legs cannot bear weight
Have severe pain
Acute swelling
There are signs that could mean an infection, such as swelling, redness, fever, chills, etc.

Wysany: 2020-10-08, 09:33   How to choose a cleansing foam? To suit their own skin

Choosing the right cleansing foam for our skin is not difficult at all. It also gives the best results. Which today we have some tips on how to choose a cleansing foam that is suitable for each person's skin type. Which facial skin type should use which cleansing foam Let's go see
1. Foam for people with dull skin.
Who is experiencing the problem of dark skin from the sun. Choose a foam containing AHA, which is an extract of citrus fruits. It will cause the dead skin cells to be shed. Along with accelerating new skin cells to occur faster So the skin looks naturally white.
2. Foam for people with dry skin.
Women with dry skin should not use lather foam. If you can choose, it is recommended to use it as a wash and do not see any bubbles. But if you can't really find it Then asked to choose one that has less foam and a liquid texture similar to milk With hyaluronic acid is the best
3. Foam for oily skin
Girls or boys with very oily skin. Caused by having large pores Therefore, the facial skin produces more oil than people with dry skin or people with small pores. But you should not wash your face more than twice a day, as this will stimulate the oil production on your face more than before. So the foam that is right for you is a foam that cleans the face a lot and can control the oiliness of the face, such as foams with charcoal.

4. For combination skin
Women who wonder if they are combination skin or not, notice this: The T-zone is the forehead, nose, chin, and is very oily. But the cheeks are not oily, like this is a combination skin girl The foam that you use should be a foam that will balance the skin and make sure it is oil-free and does not dry out your skin. You should also avoid products that contain salicylic alcohol and benzoyl peroxide, as they can dry out your face even more.
5. Foam for sensitive skin
Anyone with sensitive skin, you should know the ingredients in the products you use. The more foam, you will use the foam all over. Impossible to use as a fine, easy-to-rinse whipped foam. Or is a gel without bubbles Which must be selected with a สล็อตออนไลน์ special formula is better than other foams or gels.
6. Foam for people with acne.
Choosing a foam for people with acne, you will need to choose a foam that contains salicylic acid and lipohydroxyte. Which is one that helps make the excess oil on the face And it also makes the dirt that causes acne to come off as well.
With these options available, you can explore for yourself what kind of foam your face needs. And choose to use it according to your own skin To prevent irritation that can lead to many skin problems that

Wysany: 2020-10-09, 09:28   7 ways to suppress hunger: really effective and good for you

We believe that many people will suffer from the problem of eating continuously. Hungry all day I want to eat that all the time. Which the hunger or appetite that arises In addition to adversely affecting health, such as weight gain. It also affects your daily life. Some people may be very hungry to the point that if they do not eat they can not concentrate to work. When you know that Excess hunger is more harmful than good, so let's try how to quell hunger. Cut down your appetite for these foods with Hello Doctor, they are guaranteed to work and are good for your health.
How to curb hunger Without losing health
1. Drink water before eating every meal.
Drinking a large glass of water A glass before each meal It will help you feel full faster. And being pregnant Until feeling less hungry after eating finished One study of 50 overweight women found that drinking 1.5 liters of water per day for 8 weeks helped reduce appetite. Cause weight loss It also helps reduce body fat as well.
2. Eat more high-fiber foods.
Another way to curb hunger that you should not miss is. Eating more foods rich in fiber or fiber Because fiber is harder to digest than other foods Thus allowing us to stay pregnant longer And feeling hungry more slowly The foods that are high in fiber and good for the health we would recommend are whole grains, nuts, apples, avocados, almonds, chia seeds, green leafy vegetables.
3. But be warned before that Do not eat only fiber.
Because if the body gets too much fiber It may cause health problems such as indigestion.
4. Eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
For anyone who is a chocolate lover We recommend that you eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Or chocolate with sugar Because dark chocolate can help reduce appetite. Or better suppress hunger In one study, it was found that People who eat dark chocolate as a snack Will eat less of the next meal than someone who eats milk chocolate

5. Try not to stress.
People tend to eat more when stressed, sad, or anxious. With the results of several research studies confirming that Stress can make people crave food, eat more or less, or eat less nutritious food, so if you want to eat less and not often hungry, a simple solution is to keep your stress under control. With enough rest Have some social interaction Don't just be alone And make sure you do activities that relieve stress, such as สล็อตออนไลน์ watching movies, listening to music, meditating.
6.Exercise before eating
Exercise has a positive effect on overall health. Including helping to quell hunger And food cravings too The results of more than 20 studies found that exercise. Especially high-intensity exercise Or, hitting exercise (HIIT) can help reduce your appetite right after you finish. This is because it reduces the level of ghrelin hormone or the hunger hormone. And enhances satiety hormones such as Peptide YY (Peptide YY or PYY), GLP-1 hormone (Glucagon-like peptide-1; GLP-1)

Wysany: 2020-10-10, 09:12   The benefits of "fish" good nutrients are not alle

Pla mackerel is known as another popular menu that has been paired with Thai people for every age. With a unique taste that is different from other fish. Besides being delicious, it also has a high nutritional value. That is beneficial to the health of the body as well.
In this article, Hello Doctor will take you to know more about the benefits of mackerel.
"Mackerel" is delicious and has high omega.
Believe that mackerel (Mackerel) would be another favorite menu for pg many people because in addition to its delicious taste. It can also be used in a variety of dishes, whether fried or boiled, such as fried mackerel, steamed fried fish, chu chee, mackerel, tom yum, pla mackerel, etc., and many other benefits that you might not expect, such as nourishing the heart, nourishing eyesight.

Wysany: 2020-10-13, 08:47   The relationship between "drinking milk" and "

I don't know if anyone ever noticed when they had acne, or whether the pimples were formed at that time. Because washing your face is not clean? Because of cosmetics? Because of stress? Or is it because of the food?
A few days ago One Twitter user shared how to get rid of acne. That user stated Drinking milk and eating dairy products Contributed to acne Which if you abstain from drinking milk or eating from milk Will help acne heal That leaves many people wondering, is "drinking milk" really one of the causes of "acne"?
If asked if milk "contributes" to acne, you can answer "yes" but if asked how sure it is. “There is no definitive research yet,” but one study found that drinking milk or consuming dairy foods. It can cause unwanted "acne" things, what is it?
Acne matters
Acne is very familiar to almost everyone. Because everyone has been through a period of youth. But will be more or less, it depends on people This is because what is the variant that causes acne during reproductive age is "hormones", especially "Growth Hormone". It is the age that has changed from a growing child to an adult. At this age, growth hormone levels are the highest. At the same time, hormone levels are constantly inversely related.
Growth hormone is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The important function of growth hormone is known as a hormone that helps in the growth of the body, height, muscle, bone mass, to grow properly, growth hormone is also involved in the metabolism in the body. Because it has a chemical structure similar to that of insulin Therefore having the ability to regulate blood sugar levels
This growth hormone affects the sebaceous glands. If the body has high hormone levels Causing the sebaceous glands to be stimulated and to generate more fat So much that the pores become clogged This blockage causes P.acne bacteria (bacteria that cause acne) to grow better and digest fat. White blood cells that are responsible for dealing with foreign bodies (P.acne bacteria) are gathered in that area. Causing inflammation until it becomes acne
So how does eating dairy foods cause acne?
While there is currently no conclusive evidence that dairy consumption can cause “direct” acne breakouts, “indirectly” milk contributes to more severe inflammatory acne.
One 2018 study tested the hypothesis on whether the consumption of dairy products affected acne breakouts. By using a sample group of 78,529 people, mixed with children, adolescents and adults. The results obtained from this study found a link between milk consumption and acne.
Milk is known to be highly nutritious, especially "protein", where the main proteins in milk are whey and casein proteins. It also contains natural growth hormones. with Whey will increase the level of insulin in the blood. At the same time, casein increases growth hormone. Therefore, these proteins are important factors that can trigger acne. Therefore, analyzing this association, it is found that the protein in milk has a greater effect on acne than the fat content of milk.
Also, growth hormone is similar to insulin. The study also found that Adult people who drink 3 meals of milk a day for over 12 weeks have about 10 percent higher growth hormone levels than those who don't drink milk. Teenage years Drinking milk increases the blood growth hormone by 9-20 percent.
All types of dairy products, including whole milk, yoghurt, cheese were tested in this study, with a selective analysis of both normal and low-fat dairy products. What has been learned from the study is All types of dairy products were associated with acne in the sample aged 7-30 years and were more prone to acne in those who consumed skimmed milk than normal fat milk. Therefore, those who drank skimmed milk or skimmed milk. It tends to get acne more easily than those who drink plain milk. This may be due to the fact that people are more likely to choose low-fat milk.

It also found that people who drink milk every day, 1 glass (or more) per day, are more likely to develop acne than those who do not drink milk every day or drink 2-3 glasses a week only and in people with acne. chronic Have higher hormone levels than people who do not have acne From this, a relationship between growth hormone levels and acne severity can be found. It is most common in adult women.
Does avoiding dairy products really help reduce acne?
From the above study, it can be concluded that people who consume dairy products are more likely to develop acne than those who rarely consume dairy products. But it also depends on other factors Especially physical factors Which each person is สล็อตออนไลน์ not the same Including the environment. Still, this research collects information from Westerners. The Western diet is often composed of milk and foods that have a high glycemic index. It is a hypothesis for researchers to find a link between milk consumption and acne.
And because of some evidence that milk proteins are responsible for causing acne, it is inferred that reducing or cutting down on dairy products is likely to reduce acne breakouts. However, there has been no clear scientific proof. This is just a reasonable and likely assumption.
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